Frequently Asked Questions for Candles
1. What are the ingredients in your Candles?
All Candles by Ink N Thread are made with Golden Brands 464 Soy Wax, chemical free fragrance oils and eco - wicks.
2. What are the ingredients in Decorative Molds of candles?
Decorative molds by Ink N Thread are made with IGI 1239 A Paraffin Wax, chemical free fragrance oils and chemical free candle dyes.
5. What is IGI 1239 A Paraffin Wax?
IGI 1239 A Paraffin Wax is pure and fully refined paraffin wax that is highest in quality and versatile.
6. How long do Candles by Ink N Thread last?
Our 7-ounce candles will burn for about 40 hours with the right maintenance. Make sure to read Candle Care Tips for your candles to maintain right.
7. What is candle tunneling?
Candle tunneling is the phenomenon wherein just a small ring of wax melts around the wick during the burning process instead of the wax melting uniformly over the surface of the candle. In addition to wasting some wax, this might make it harder to light the wick as the tunnel gets deeper over time.
8. How can you fix candle tunneling?
Use hair dryer: Set the hair dryer to its highest heat setting and hold it over the top of the candle until the wax melts and smooths out.